Moving The Needle Backwards
Quite simply, the best available science and modeling around climate change is clear. Our chance of holding the planet below a 2°C / 3.6°F (much less 1.5° C), rise from pre-Industrial levels, is dwindling quite quickly. For example, Alaska (which is already 4.5°F above) and similar northern regions are already well beyond such, and not slowing down.
Based on the science, it seems clear to us that ‘carbon neutrality’ is commendable and a step in the right direction; but it is too little too late … if we as a species expect to pass a predictably stable and healthy planet on to our children, much less grandchildren.
SCI’s work with our clients, is focused on ‘business and community design as if we intended to stay’ and implementation of 'Carbon Negative' strategies that are not only restorative and regenerative, but that are disruptive in bringing about unexpected market advantage and positive financial ROI’s as quickly as possible. ‘Carbon Negative’ is where the money is for the long haul … literally and figuratively speaking, in regards to 4XBL / 4P℠ … Planet, People, Place, & Profit …
Achieving 'Carbon Negative' outcomes are not revolutionary, nor are they difficult.
It is simply a matter of doubling down on ‘deep decarbonization’ to include carbon sequestration in soil, biomass, geology, and even new Circular Economy technology sinks – oddly enough - such as closed system life cycling of ‘green plastics’ … all of this on top of the common strategies of renewable energy technologies (e.g. photovoltaic / solar electric systems, wind, green battery storage, anaerobic digestion, etc.) … in other words, “Moving the Needle Backwards”
Based on the science, it seems clear to us that ‘carbon neutrality’ is commendable and a step in the right direction; but it is too little too late … if we as a species expect to pass a predictably stable and healthy planet on to our children, much less grandchildren.
SCI’s work with our clients, is focused on ‘business and community design as if we intended to stay’ and implementation of 'Carbon Negative' strategies that are not only restorative and regenerative, but that are disruptive in bringing about unexpected market advantage and positive financial ROI’s as quickly as possible. ‘Carbon Negative’ is where the money is for the long haul … literally and figuratively speaking, in regards to 4XBL / 4P℠ … Planet, People, Place, & Profit …
Achieving 'Carbon Negative' outcomes are not revolutionary, nor are they difficult.
It is simply a matter of doubling down on ‘deep decarbonization’ to include carbon sequestration in soil, biomass, geology, and even new Circular Economy technology sinks – oddly enough - such as closed system life cycling of ‘green plastics’ … all of this on top of the common strategies of renewable energy technologies (e.g. photovoltaic / solar electric systems, wind, green battery storage, anaerobic digestion, etc.) … in other words, “Moving the Needle Backwards”
SCI & LICO2e™ are committed to incremental reduction of its operational impact socially and environmentally in every facet of the enterprise that can be afforded at this point in their growth.
For specific example, St. Croix Institute as an LLC, and LICO2e™ (GBC) as a ‘public/general benefit S-Corp’ under MN statute (which operate from the same office and support services), benchmarked the combined carbon footprint for 2018 utilizing the Native Energy on-line calculator and Terrapass off-line business calculator. The base calculation for 2017 was 40mT. ‘20% Beyond Neutral’ equals 8mT. 48mT of credits were purchased from Terrapass for 2017. The base calculation for 2018 was virtually the same, but with two additional remote small, home-office spaces, added an additional 4mT’s, and so a purchase of 52mT from Terrapass on January 18, 2019. Footprint for 2019, was virtually identical to 2018 with a purchase of 52mT from Terrapass on March 19, 2020. The footprint for 2020 declined significantly, due to COVID pandemic lock down, loss of business, and significant reduction in travel.
As a matter of consistency in climate action and carbon offset performance, LICO2e™ (& St Croix Institute), have donated the equivalent of 52mT of offsets (based on Terrapass rates), as contribution to the TICO2e™ (Tribally Invested Carbon Offsets) Carbon Calculator & Funding Portal (TICO2e™ Travel Calculator), with which LICO2e™ assisted technical development. The 2021 and 2022 carbon footprints for both companies combined were essentially identical to 2020 due to COVID pressures and recent office efficiency improvements. We have once again donated the equivalent of 52mT of offsets to the TICO2e™ Carbon Calculator & Funding Portal for both years (which is again 20% above carbon neutrality for the companies).
Despite the fact LICO2e™ will not receive verified project carbon credits for 2020, 2021, or 2022, these equivalent funds are used by the National Indian Carbon Coalition (NICC – to support development of carbon offset projects in tribal communities across the country, supporting not only decarbonization, but broad ecosystem services and social impact/equity/justice co-benefits as part of SCI/LICO2e™’s intergenerational mission.
Future benchmarking and tracking will continue to pursue more discreet and comprehensive protocol, carbon sequestration offsets, and achievement of ‘carbon negative’ performance. This is SCI/LICO2e™ walk-the-talk commitment to its values and principles, especially carbon negative outcomes is critical as we race toward 2030 … which is basically tomorrow … and 2050, which is the day after tomorrow. Based on the speed of cultural, organizational, and political evolution, and assuming we all collectively believe the best available climate science … We Are Now Clearly Out of Time to Get This Right. Onward We All Go!
As a matter of consistency in climate action and carbon offset performance, LICO2e™ (& St Croix Institute), have donated the equivalent of 52mT of offsets (based on Terrapass rates), as contribution to the TICO2e™ (Tribally Invested Carbon Offsets) Carbon Calculator & Funding Portal (TICO2e™ Travel Calculator), with which LICO2e™ assisted technical development. The 2021 and 2022 carbon footprints for both companies combined were essentially identical to 2020 due to COVID pressures and recent office efficiency improvements. We have once again donated the equivalent of 52mT of offsets to the TICO2e™ Carbon Calculator & Funding Portal for both years (which is again 20% above carbon neutrality for the companies).
Despite the fact LICO2e™ will not receive verified project carbon credits for 2020, 2021, or 2022, these equivalent funds are used by the National Indian Carbon Coalition (NICC – to support development of carbon offset projects in tribal communities across the country, supporting not only decarbonization, but broad ecosystem services and social impact/equity/justice co-benefits as part of SCI/LICO2e™’s intergenerational mission.
Future benchmarking and tracking will continue to pursue more discreet and comprehensive protocol, carbon sequestration offsets, and achievement of ‘carbon negative’ performance. This is SCI/LICO2e™ walk-the-talk commitment to its values and principles, especially carbon negative outcomes is critical as we race toward 2030 … which is basically tomorrow … and 2050, which is the day after tomorrow. Based on the speed of cultural, organizational, and political evolution, and assuming we all collectively believe the best available climate science … We Are Now Clearly Out of Time to Get This Right. Onward We All Go!
NOTE: SCI & LICO2e™ are an integrated small office operation in multi-tenant, rented space with no subspace metering. The GHG Footprint was initially calculated utilizing Native Energy (NE), online ‘business calculator’ & Terrapass (TP) offline ‘business calculator’. SCOPE’s 1, 2, & 3 are included. The base calculation for 2016 was 33.2 mT. 20% ‘beyond neutral’ equals 6.64 mT, bringing total to 39.84 mT (40mT purchased for 2016). The base calculation for 2017 was 40mT. ‘20% Beyond Neutral’ equals 8mT. 48mT were purchased for 2017. Offsets for 2018 were virtually identical to 2017, though two small remote office spaces were added at 4mT, and so 52mT’s purchased. Future benchmarking and tracking will continue to pursue more discreet and comprehensive protocol, carbon sequestration offsets, and achievement of ‘carbon negative’ performance.