Metrics & KPI's: Going From Thin Ice to Deep in the Weeds!
At SCI, metrics are not an afterthought. They actually drive many of our initial discovery and conceptualization conversations with clients and partners. We do this through the filter of our 4XBL℠ – Quadruple Bottom Line - approach (rather than traditional triple bottom line), to getting “Beyond Sustainability.” It is not gimmicky. It is simply to call out the community impact metrics rather than having them be subsumed in the traditional social, environmental, & economic model. Simply add Place to People-Planet-Profit. This simple change dramatically helps to be more deliberate and transparent in reporting community impact in sustainability reporting.
At the end of the day, 4XBL metrics are the proof that we are all not just blowing smoke about what we are committed to, are confident in our ability to achieve, and are core to the transparency of those results, … good, bad, and ugly … reported to employees, directors, investors, and all other stakeholders.
There are numerous frameworks and sets of metrics easily integrated with4XBL, depending on the type of organization, public or private, tribal or non-tribal. We specialize in the UN Global Compact SDG’s as the primary framework.
The SDG’s have 231 unique indicators across all 17 Goals. However, there are 247 total indicators due to replication of some across two or three different Goals. These indicators continue to evolve through formal action of the Global Compact. The official list can be downloaded in PDF or Excel in five major languages at -
SCI is more than happy to assist your selection and fine-tuning of the framework, metrics, and key performance indicators (KPI’s) unique to your organization, and your materiality assessment.
In addition, we are happy to integrate and map these to any other metrics framework that is important to you.
At the end of the day, 4XBL metrics are the proof that we are all not just blowing smoke about what we are committed to, are confident in our ability to achieve, and are core to the transparency of those results, … good, bad, and ugly … reported to employees, directors, investors, and all other stakeholders.
There are numerous frameworks and sets of metrics easily integrated with4XBL, depending on the type of organization, public or private, tribal or non-tribal. We specialize in the UN Global Compact SDG’s as the primary framework.
The SDG’s have 231 unique indicators across all 17 Goals. However, there are 247 total indicators due to replication of some across two or three different Goals. These indicators continue to evolve through formal action of the Global Compact. The official list can be downloaded in PDF or Excel in five major languages at -
SCI is more than happy to assist your selection and fine-tuning of the framework, metrics, and key performance indicators (KPI’s) unique to your organization, and your materiality assessment.
In addition, we are happy to integrate and map these to any other metrics framework that is important to you.
Deeper in the Weeds: Other Exemplary Frameworks
There are numerous other frameworks and indicator metrics that can and should be considered. These are often easily and sometimes not so easily integrated with the SDG’s framework, depending on your organizational circumstances and the frameworks chosen. We have experience with all of these, and are happy to assist your efforts in this regard.
For example, ISO Standards are already mapped across the SDG:
For example, ISO Standards are already mapped across the SDG:
Global Reporting Initiative –
Leading STAR Community Indicators -
Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System (STARS) -
OTHERS: Industry / Sector Specific – let us know …
Global Reporting Initiative –
Leading STAR Community Indicators -
Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System (STARS) -
OTHERS: Industry / Sector Specific – let us know …